who we are

“Allakaket is special because there are dog teams, we have 16 dogs and trained three of them since they were puppies.” —Naomi & Ruth

“What I like about our village is that there are a lot of fun people here. There are also a lot of boat rides and we camp a lot. I help my Grandma cut fish a lot and help her make dry meat. I help pick berries. The berries I pick are high bush berries.” Devon 

“I like to hunt with my parents and my brother, down river. I also like to go check fishnet or go fishing with a fishing rod. Someday I would make my own dog team. That is what I love about my village and what I want to do.” Joy

“I like the school the most in my village. I usually play with my friends at his house. We would play Bikers vs. Indians. Or I go to the store and buy some candy. On Halloween we would trade candy at my house. Also on Christmas we would look at our new toys and try them out. Or we have new pets for Christmas we would play with them.” —Evan

“One thing I like about my village is that ​everyone knows each other. Also we go out ​camping​. Another thing we do is always go out ​fishing. We mostly catch pike. Plus everyone loves ​dogs mushing.” —Terrance